

App Development

App Development Services

We Turn Your Ideas into Powerful Mobile App

The utilization of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has exploded during the past ten years. Consumers, on average, spend over 3 hours every day on their cellular devices. This provides companies a fantastic opportunity to alter their operations taking a strategy where touchpoints with the customer are greatly increased through mobile apps. Custom mobile programs enable businesses to enhance customer participation and create new sales channels. Mobile app development may seem like a great leap for most companies. Throughout the previous ten years, we have provided our App Development Services to businesses to build iOS and Android apps.

Our App Development Service constitutes a framework for the entire life cycle of the app, thereby helping you through the entire development procedure. We’ll help you produce an entire mobility plan and guide you from program design and programming till the launch of the program. Our team can help turn your app idea into a success story.

App Development Services
App Development Services

Mobility Strategy

A successful mobile strategy requires a well-defined enterprise mobility plan. As part of our app development services, we do competitor research, learn about your business objectives and create the product roadmap. Clematis has directed many businesses during this extremely critical phase of their mobility transformation. We’ll help you establish and implement the strategy for your business. Learn the procedure we follow for producing a successful mobile app launch.

User Experience Design

Mobile users favor apps that look good and function well. That has made the layout process an integral part of an app development procedure. App with intuitive user layout sees better consumer adoption. The usability of an app is vital since users have smaller screen area to operate in and fewer controls in comparison to a desktop program.

Our app development services adopt a design-first strategy. Our designers produce mobile program layouts following the best practices and program shop UI guidelines. We use Figma for producing mobile UI design. We convert your ideas into wireframes and engaging prototypes before the actual development of the app starts. Prototyping allows you to finalize all requirements before development starts. This helps eliminate any unknowns once the development starts.

App Development Services
App Development Services


Our App Development Services use React Native and Flutter as the programming language for all our apps. The advantages of using these programming languages are given below.

React Native and Flutter both provide optimal performance through the use of native modules and controls. The ability to reuse codes and components makes React Native and Flutter development timescales shorter thereby allowing quick go-to-market for the customer. The ease with which third-party plugins can be integrated with React Native and Flutter helps in adding features quickly to the app during the development phase.

Using React Native or Flutter as the language to develop the app saves cost and time for the client since both these adopt a build once and distribute multiple times approach. What this means is that the entire development for both Android and iOS takes place together. Once the development completes, the iOS app and Android app are built from the same development code and distributed in the IOS and Android play store.

Mobile App Development Procedure

Our app development service spans six phases. It all starts with the discovery followed by the development plan. We focus on the end customer experience journey through the program layout procedure. After finalizing app specifications and design, we produce a milestone-based development plan and then start the development process as per the milestones. At the end of the development phase, we do comprehensive testing to provide a secure, easy-to-use, and intuitive app for our clients. Together with our proven mobile program development process, we build apps on time and within budget.

App Development Services
App Development Services

Mobile App Testing

We understand how important it is to have the apps tested properly before releasing the apps. Different types of mobile app testing are essential to completely validate the app before it’s launched. Included in our app development services are testing procedures where we examine the program’s usability and functionality. Performance and security are other success standards that are measured as part of our app development services. We do multi-user testing at several data bandwidths to simulate the end-user experience. We confirm data protection and encryption.  This enhances user adoption and retention.

You might have a requirement of a website, a custom web application, a mobile app, an e-commerce portal or an end to end digital marketing campaign. No matter how simple or complex the requirement might be, we have a personalized solution for you.

Our Mobile App Development Approach

Our successful app development service spans over six important phases. These are the six phases that we take our customers through. We recommend that to launch a successful app, you follow these six phases. In this guide, we will have a detailed look at each of the six phases. It does not matter if the size and scope of your app are small or if it a complex enterprise app. It is advised that you follow the six stages detailed below in your app development roadmap. This will ensure that your investment has a positive return.

App Development Services

1. The Planning Stage

Our app development service starts with the planning stage. The first and the most important stage of any type of app development procedure is to set a goal and then follow it up by defining the plan for evolving your idea to reach the goal. In this stage, you would need to do the following:

  • Identify the persona of the users who will be using your app.
  • Research the content that you want to take to your users.
  • Establish the program’s aims and objectives
  • Pick a mobile platform to your program
  • Put together a marketing plan on how you are going to reach your users.

2. The Diagnosis Stage

During this phase of our app development service, your program idea begins taking shape and turns into a genuine project. Analysis and preparation start with specifying use cases and getting detailed practical requirements.

Once you’ve identified the prerequisites for your program, we will help you prepare a product roadmap where we prioritize the app requirements and group them into delivery modules. If resources and prices are an issue, then specify your minimum viable product (MVP) and reevaluate this to your first launch.

This is where React Native or Flutter technology will help you speed up your development by having one universal development platform that will cater to both the Android and iOS platforms. Another important thing to take note of is the name of the app. App names are similar to domains and need to be unique inside every marketplace. We will research Google Play and iOS App Store to ensure that your app name is not already being used!

App Development Services
App Development Services

3. The Design Stage

The objective of creating a smooth app design is to provide an effortless and smooth user experience using a polished appearance.

The success of an app depends upon how well consumers are embracing and benefiting from its attributes. The aim of the app UI / UX layout is to produce exceptional user experiences making your program interactive, intuitive and user-friendly. While glossy UI designs can assist with premature adoption, the program should have intuitive user touchpoints to ensure that app users remain engaged with the app at every stage of the user journey.

4. The Development Stage

Planning remains an essential and necessary component of our app development service. As part of the development phase, we will implement the following after proper planning:

  • Establish the technical structure,
  • Establish the development landmarks.

Any mobile app project consists of three key components. The back-end or server technologies that deal with the database, the API(s) or the middle layer technology which lies on top of the back-end layer and is responsible for data exchange between the app and the database and the front end technologies that are used for developing the screens and the other elements that reside in the app.

App Development Services
App Development Services

5. The Testing Stage

Performing thorough (QA) testing is absolutely vital to the app development procedure because it ensures that the software is secure, usable, and protected. To ensure extensive QA testing of your app, as part of our App Development services, we will prepare test cases that address all parts of app testing. Very similar to the way use cases drive the app development stage, test cases drive the app testing phase.

Test cases will list out the evaluation boundaries and check if the tests match the evaluation criteria. This is followed by fixes for retesting. Familiarity with your program’s operational requirements and goals will help us create accurate test instances. Your app should undergo the testing procedures given below to ensure that you have a robust and excellent mobility solution.

  • User Experience Testing
  • End to End Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Security and Vulnerability Testing
  • Apparatus and Platform Testing

6. Deployment & Support Stage

As part of our App Development services, we will ensure that your app is available in Apple and Google stores. For Apple App Store, you’ll require a programmer account with Apple and for Android, you will require Google Play Store account before you can have your app in these stores. An app launch in the Google and Apple store requires preparing metadata such as:

  • Name of the app
  • A small description telling users a little bit about the app
  • Category where the app belongs
  • Keywords to help users find the app through search
  • App icon which is what we see on our phones against each app
  • App screenshots so that users can have a clear idea of the app even before they download it

Our web development services cover all the points mentioned above. After submitting at the Apple App Store, the app undergoes a review process that might take from a couple of days to several months depending on the correctness of your program and just how carefully it follows Apple’s iOS guidelines. If the app requires users to log into the app experience it, then we would need to supply Apple with a test user account as part of this procedure where they test your app using this login before approving the app.

The validation and review process in Google Pay Store is less stringent than Apple and chances are that your Android will be available on Google Play quicker than it gets published on Apple Store. Typically, for Android apps, they become available from the store inside a few hours of submission.
Once your program becomes available from the stores, track its use through mobile analytics and monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for quantifying your program’s success. Regularly check crash reports, or other user reported problems and embark on a road of continuous improvement of your app. Listen to user feedback and enhance your app so that it makes the user journey better.

App Development Services


App development is a continuous process and will go on even after you launch your app as you get user feedback and construct extra functionality or make changes to align your app to meet your users’ expectations. Our App Development Services will ensure that you are covered in each step of the journey.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Mobile App Development Services

We excel at Elementor, Avada, Divi WP theme, StudioPress Genesis, Pro WP theme, and ACF WordPress development.

Your dedicated project manager will communicate to you via Skype, email or call with the progress. We are comfortable using project management tools like Basecamp, Asana, Trello for long-term project communication.

WordPress websites can be developed within 3 business days too. But it depends on the details we have beforehand, the complexity and size of the WordPress website development project. So we cannot give an exact time limit.

Payments are taken in two phases, 50% when the work starts and 50% after completion. We accept payments through Paypal, wire transfer, or direct bank account.

Still searching for answers?

Click to book an absolutely FREE no obligation 30 minute call where we go over your current state and help you craft the right digital strategy. We guarantee you that at the end of the call you will have more clarity on what you need to do to achieve your goals.